The second event was the arrival of a portion of the relics of St. Herman of Alaska, transferred to the parish by Metropolitan THEODOSIUS in August of 1998. Although the parish had long been consoled by having the Saint’s relics in the antimension, this event marked the first time that Annunciation had received a separate relic of any canonized American saint. An icon was promptly commissioned to be written to house the relic and, as of this writing, the parish is anxiously awaiting the day when the newly-written icon of St. Herman with his enshrined relic can properly be added to the family of saints already residing inside the chapel.
The third and most unexpected event was the donation in January of 1997 of a one-acre piece of property by Edith Kaplan, a long-time member of the community. Architect John DellaMonica was contacted and preliminary plans were drawn for a new temple and social hall. As of January 2004, the parish has acquired its building permit and is in the process of constructing what will be the first Orthodox temple in Santa Maria. The construction for Phase I (Social Hall/Temporary worship space) should be complete by April or May 2004, Phase II (Church) will begin once Phase I has been paid off. Therefore, fund raising is an on-going, constant necessity, as it is not at all affordable to build anything in Santa Barbara County!