Welcome to Orthodox Church of the Annunciation
A Word from...
The Orthodox Church bears the appellative “Orthodox” for the commonly held teaching among its members that both our worship and doctrinal beliefs are Divinely revealed as “right or true” (Oxford Dictionary “orthodox”). God reveals this Faith—God, Himself, Who exists as One God in a Trinity of Persons: Father, Son and Holy Spirit. While this belief may seem exclusive or arrogant, we would hasten to add that it is not the personal boast of the individual members of the Orthodox Church—judging everyone outside their circle as “wrong.” It is a humble “boast” about the work of God in protecting and assuring the victory of His Church. (Matt. 16:18) As St. Paul reminds us: “let him who boasts, boast in the Lord” (1Cor. 1:31).
If you decide to further explore our website, you will find information about our parish, our schedule of Divine Services, events, and other information you may find useful or otherwise edifying. We hope so. Please browse and feel free to contact us with any additional questions you may have (frlawrence@odox.org). We will be honored to welcome you for a visit.
-Fr. Lawrence Russell
Go therefore, and teach all nations!
The Orthodox Church came to North America in 1794 through Alaska, via Russian missionaries. The Faith they preached is, according to the Orthodox Church, the same Faith preached by Christ’s Apostles- who were commissioned to “go ye therefore, and teach all nations” (Matt. 28:16) the commandments which Christ taught them to hold. To learn more, click the link below.
Our Parish Mission Statement
Bearing the Light of Orthodoxy on the California Central Coast
5:30 PM Great Vespers
10:00 AM Divine Liturgy
Church School/Adult Ed
9:00 AM
Orthodox Church of the Annunciation 877 Francine Lane
Santa Maria, CA 93455-3019
News and Events
September 7, 2024
ORTHODOX CHURCH OF THE ANNUNCIATION CONSECRATION SCHEDULE 9/6/24-9/7/24 Download the Schedule Friday 9/6/24 6:00 PM: Great Vespers Saturday 9/7/24 8:30 […]